

Training Description

*** The HUCMI is a Qualified Education Provider™ (QEP™) of the Association of Change Management Professionals® (ACMP®) for its HCMBOK® Training and Certification Program ***

This course is offered in LIVE ONLINE TRAINING mode

Who should attend?

# Project managers

# Change managers

# IT, Processes and HR professionals

# Leaders conducting changes in their departments, and students.

Objective of the Training:

The unique approach of the training in the HCMBOK® guide will lead you to develop organizational change management knowledge and skills, in order to reduce antagonism, increase engajement and support any project to achieve its strategic objectives.

What I will learn:

At the end of the training, you will be able to manage and lead changes by applying HCMBOK®, and will have:

A solid understanding of the methodology, tools, good practices and tactics for managing the human factor in change processes;

Ability to understand and differentiate human behaviors in the face of a changing situation and manage the human factor throughout the project and in its sustaining phase;

Knowledge of advanced approaches for managing stakeholder engagement and antagonism;

Skills for managing participatory processes, conflicts, stress, motivation, building team spirit and stimulating creativity and innovation;

Ability to develop Change Management Strategic Plan.

Certification Process:


HUCMI considers certification tests as part of the learning process and does not charge additional fees for tests performed within the criteria described below.

Deadline for the certification process:

You have 180 days to complete both tests and complete your certification process after the training date. The tests are carried out on the HUCMI website at a time and place that suits you best. If you miss the 180-day period to complete both tests, you can request an extension of the term for another 90 days, paying an administrative fee of US $ 50.


Each test consists of 32 questions that must be answered in maximum of 90 minutes. We prefer to have two 90-minute tests than one of 3 hours because we believe that this favor learning. For each test, an acknowledgment in the form of a certification level:

* HCMBOK® 3G Practitioner
* HCMP® 3G Expert Professional

Certification test result:

To get certified, you must answer all questions in 90 minutes and get at least 75% correct answers. For each test, you have up to 3 certification attempts within the period mentioned above. To have access to the second test - HCMP® 3G Expert Professional, it is necessary to be certified as HCMBOK® 3G Practitioner.

* PMI® Certified Project Professionals (PMP) may report 1 PDU per hour of training.

HCMBOK® Master Professional:

The third module is not covered in this part of the program and is not part of this offer, as it requires at least 1,500 hours of experience using the HCMBOK®, and the certifications HCMBOK® 3G Practitioner, HCMP® 3G Expert Professional and HCMBOK® to Agile Practitioner. It is an advanced level for professionals who want to deepen their knowledge in the area of Change Management.

Teaching materials:

Includes the 3rd edition of the book HCMBOK® - The Human Change Management Body of Knowledge in English, access to tools and certification tests.

Access to the training will be done through the Zoom technological platform that allows us total interaction with the students and the realization of case studies and exercises. Your training center will send you the corresponding information for your connection in a timely manner. 


You will also have free access, for 365 days, to HCMBOK® TOOLS, a fantastic cloud app that addresses 4 fundamentals of Change Management in an innovative, simple and practical way:

• Strategic Change Management

• Change Execution Activities

• Stakeholders Intelligent Management

• Management Cockpit 


Enrollment in this training program only temporarily reserves your spot. A full confirmation of your spot comes upon full payment.

Training center: Actitud & Talento - Ecuador
Modality: Live Virtual
Training Language: Español
Country / State / City: Ecuador / Pichincha / Guatemala - Costa Rica - Nicaragua - El Salvador - República Dominicana
Address / Digital platform: Plataforma zoom, N/A
Date: Monday, September 16, 2024 17:30 PM - 21:30 PM

Additional Details




PROMOCIÓN 1: Tome el HCMBOK® Training and Certification Program y reciba un Descuento Especial al tomar el HCMBOK® TO AGILE.

PROMOCIÓN 2: Las personas entrenadasen el HCMBOK® TO AGILE recibirán un descuento al tomar el HCMBOK® Training and Certification Program.

Solicite mayor información al correo: info@actitudytalento.com

Nota Válido para personas entrenadas en el HCMBOK® TO AGILE que se encuentran certificadas o dentro del plazo para dar los respectivos exámenes. En el caso que usted haya perdido el plazo para las pruebas envíe un correo info@actitudytalento.com


--> Pago con Depósito o Transferencia Bancaria

PRECIO NORMAL: $1.090 USD + Impuestos
Pregunta por descuentos de grupos y por pronto pago

*** Para diferentes formas de pago solicite información al correo: info@actitudytalento.com 


24 horas de entrenamiento ON – LIVE (En Vivo participantes e instructor)

Suscripción de por vida al Human Change Management Institute (HUCMI®)

Acceso a sitios restringidos HCMBOK® 3G

Libro digital HCMBOK®

Licencia por un año de HCMBOK Tools

 Certificado digital de participación emitido por Actitud & Talento.

Examen para las certificaciones:

Certificados digitales HCMBOK® 3G Practitioner y HCMP® 3G Expert Professional emitidas por el HUCMI®, una vez aprobados los exámenes.

Publicación de su nombre y licencia en la página del HUCMI® con exposición a nivel mundial.


Celular y WhatsApp: (+593)-99 440 0007



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